Eric Deveaud

Results 78 issues of Eric Deveaud

Hello armfinder can use n environnement variable to locate the armfinder database. I think it would be a good idea if `bakta/` can use this one to in order to...


Hello fusioncatcher tools, eg ``, ``, ``, ... uses multiprocessing.cpu_count() to ge the numebr of available cpusbut multiprocessing.cpu_count() is the number of cpu in the machine. But this is not...

Hello, after a fresh installation of BRAKER on ou cluster on. a centralised NFS read-only volume we had some problems running BRAKER/2.1.6 problem was with `$AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH/species` not writable related to...

Hello, `mob-suite` uses `multiprocessing.cpu_count()` to ge the number of cpus via ``. `multiprocessing.cpu_count()` return the number of cpu in the machine, But this is not the same as the number...

**Describe the issue** RepeatMaskerLib.embl is not built while configuring RepeatMasker-4.1.2-p1 and is requestrd by DateRepeats ``` rpm_maker:RepeatMasker/RepeatMasker-4.1.2-p1 > DateRepeats Indicate directory with the RepeatMasker repeat libraries near line 136 of...


Hello, while installing parasail-python bindings, the installation download hard-coded '' wich is moving along the time. this may be problematic, as installation of the same version of parasail-python bindings along...

Hello, working from after running ``` module load openmpi/4.0.2 gcc/9.2.0 pkg-config/0.29.2 ``` I tried to run ./configure and got ``` [gensoft@e211aa82115c libcircle-0.3.0]$ ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install......

Hello trying to package ncbi blast+ I hitted a bug in fpm. when workdir contains a `+` in name it aborts with the following error. `/usr/share/ruby/fileutils.rb:239:in `mkdir': No such file...

Hello FYI while trying to install HiCEplorer version 3.7.3 (from release archive) using the described method in README, ie: `python install` I have the following error message. ``` /opt/gensoft/exe/HiCExplorer/3.7.3/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/setuptools/command/

**Describe your problem** `relion_prepare_subtomo` have hardcoded path to `extracttilts` see: ``` rpm_maker://tmp > relion_prepare_subtomo SNIP // SNAP ERROR: Cannot find IMOD 'extractilts' executable /public/EM/imod/imod-4.5.8/IMOD/bin/extracttilts === Backtrace === relion_prepare_subtomo(_ZN11RelionErrorC1ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES7_l+0x63) [0x448c73] relion_prepare_subtomo(_ZN15prepare_subtomo13initialChecksEv+0x5f45)...