Eric Deveaud

Results 78 issues of Eric Deveaud

## Short description of the problem despite the `anvi-setup-pfams` help says ```This program by default attempts to use previously downloaded files in your Pfam data directory if there are any.```...

Hello anvio-v7 `anvi-self-test --suite metagenomics-full` fails on error/ ``` anvi-self-test --suite metagenomics-full --no-interactive ... SNIP ... GENE LEVEL COVERAGE STATS STORED =============================================== Mode .........................................: STANDARD Num genes ....................................: 23 Num...

Hello, I just installed krakenuniq v0.5.3 and tried to build archea database but I have the following problem. after downloading the taxo and refseq/archea data krakenuniq-build exit with error ```...


Hello FYI I noticed that prokka biperl deection is no correct you expect `minbpver = "1.006002"` my bioperl versin claims to be `1.7.8` so `err("Please install BioPerl $minbpver or higher")...

Hello, according to #130 and more specifically lsd2 should be checked out using the follwoing ``` git clone --recursive cd IQ-TREE git checkout latest git submodule update ```...

Hello, as title says, please embed lsd2 code in archive or document wich version of lsd2 should be used. I know that git clone --recursive, git submodule update and so...

Hello, after installing goolf-1.7.20 toolchain using --rpath support I was surprised to notice that generated modulefiles for the tools in toolchain still export LD_LIBRARY_PATH. eg: ``` bigmess:~ > module list...

context: we are currently testing//POCing easybuild as our install framework in order to provide scientific softwares to our user. installing BLAST+ and ABYSS using the same toolchain: goolf-1.4.10.eb they were...

Hello, `amrfinder_update` does not respect `DEFAULT_DB_DIR` when build with `make DEFAULT_DB_DIR=somewhere` while `amrfinder -u` as it calls `exec (fullProg ("amrfinder_update") + " -d " + shellQuote (dbDir. getParent ()) +...


Hello while running SPAdes-3.11.0 one of our users reported the following problem. ``` --meta -1 file1.fastq -2 file.fastq -o test/ -t 4 ``` ends with the following error ```...