
Results 158 comments of Dominik

> For 1), this is possible and I'm already working on adding support for multiple architectures. Any ETA for ARM support for the baseimage?

> Since I work on this during my free time, it’s hard to give an ETA. No rush, was just wondering how far it is. > I can say that...

Same issue with the FGR-223. Switched over from the Home Assistant Z-wave integration to the OpenZWave beta and now the stop button for the FGR-223 is gone in the HA...

Similar behaviour here, launcher doesn't launch with the exception above. Second launch option launches the game and the loading screen appears but it gets stuck during loading.

I was able to get it working by running this command: `​sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=1048576` To make it permanent: `echo 'vm.max_map_count=1048576' | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/vm.max_map_count.conf` Taken from Game now...

Good to know that it works, logging via USB isn't needed anyway most of the time. > I also tried D4 and D5 pins with a soft-uart, but couldn't get...

Out of spec for the ESP8266 data sheet, which lists a working voltage of 2.5V to 3.6V. Doesn't really matter if it works though.

Can you enable verbose logging (not very verbose) and toggle eco mode back and forth a few times via the IR remote? Make sure to take note which log entries...

No, nanoeX is a different feature. So far I haven't seen nanoe-G being reported via the wifi adapter so it's currently not possible to toggle it. You can try enabling...

As long as you keep the serial pins (GPIO17 and GPIO16) free or change them and the board is supported by ESPHome, yes.