Clemens Elflein

Results 25 comments of Clemens Elflein

+ jakub and I are thinking about removing the link between the repos and only having the final stable software image here. If someone wants to develop, they should get...

So basically as I understand it, we're doing the following: - For the current master state, a GitHub action builds software and hardware artifacts. These should be used for development...

I agree and I'm trying my best to keep the API stable. But since it's still in development (there is not really a stable software to begin with), the API...

You are able to set a perimeter by driving around it. Check the YouTube video for a demo: It's not as fancy as an AR app, but it works...

This might be a problem indeed, since I'm using Ubuntu on the Pi. I haven't gotten ROS to work with Raspbian in a stable way. But @Schaumi19 is right, there...

We're working on having the software as docker images, so that we can use Raspbian as base system. This would allow us to use the overlayfs setting in raspi-config which...

Thank you for the report. It's working fine for me even in a private tab. Which browser are you using? What's the error message you're getting?

Thank you for the info! I'm looking into it. To be honest, I'm just using the Let's Encrypt Certbot and was glad that it seemed to work out. There has...

Not sure what that means, I usually just press F8 to apply schematic changes to the PCB. I never run annotation manually. Parts between schematic and PCB are matched using...

@vamatis I'd add the ali link in #30, so that we don't get merge issues with the other changes in the files.