Biswapriyo Nath

Results 489 comments of Biswapriyo Nath

Are you using Windows Store version of WSL? The preview one.

This seems to be duplicate of My apology for being late. Just wait a day or so 🙇

msys2's docs: GitHub Marketplace docs: msys2-setup repo:

> with Ninja is there supposed to be no colour in the output? Yes. There are some hacks But it is not msys2 specific.

Here are something I have tried: ---- ```sh CFLAGS+=' -DCAPNP_INCLUDE_DIR=\"/mingw64/include\"' \ CXXFLAGS+=' -DCAPNP_INCLUDE_DIR=\"/mingw64/include\"' \ cmake.exe // other options here ``` This compiles but the capnp.exe contains full path of `/mingw64/include`...

> I suppose what we really need to do is find the capnp binary itself, then look up ../include relative to it. Now I am thinking that my question is...

Please provide steps to reproduce the issue. I can not reproduce it in mintty and bash. ![image](

Disclaimer: I have no idea about python. 🙇 I did not remember working on that kind of project.

There are multiple issues about LTO failure. Related issues can be found here