Biswapriyo Nath

Results 36 issues of Biswapriyo Nath

This fixes building shared library by defining proper symbols. Previously, the symbols ANTLR4CPP_EXPORTS and ANTLR4CPP_STATIC were defined for MSVC toolchain only. So, mingw toolchain was excluded in that condition. Hence,...


I have tried to compile mlt with GCC compiler targeting mingw 32 bit but it fails with this error: ``` FAILED: src/modules/core/CMakeFiles/mltcore.dir/transition_matte.c.obj F:\msys64\mingw32\bin\cc.exe -DARCH_X86_64 -DUSE_SSE -Dmltcore_EXPORTS -IF:/msys64/home/x/mlt/src/modules/core/../../win 32 -IF:/msys64/home/x/mlt/src/framework/.. -mmmx...

Specifying jobs number more than CPU threads make system unresponsive. 'cmake --build' comamnd will automatically choose jobs number.

Pending BuildFarm
4 - Waiting on CI
Effort - medium

* gcc version 11.3.0 * cmake version 3.23.1 * ninja version 1.11.0 * cmake configure command ```sh cmake.exe \ -Wno-dev \ -G "Ninja" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/mingw64 \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DTILEDB_STATIC=ON \...

This enables -no-undefined linker flag in mingw toolchain. Previous related commit 4b850954056943be03452c9a2b4bb621d663e40b

This fixes Libs and Cflags variables in pkgconfig file for mingw. pkgconf can not relocate path if it starts with prefix. By using already defined libdir and includedir, the issue...

Add get instance state IOCTL value.

This fixes the error: ``` ld.exe: source/utils/CMakeFiles/bpls.dir/bpls/bpls.cpp.obj:bpls.cpp:(.text+0x67994): undefined reference to '__imp_PathMatchSpecA' ```