Biswapriyo Nath

Results 489 comments of Biswapriyo Nath

Feature request: Add Continuous Integration for example, Appveyor CI or Travis CI. It will build/make mintty.exe (or anything) on every commit.Building procedure may speed up.

Question: Why there is `Powershell.exe` in `windialog.c`? Also `UrlDownloadToFile()` can be replace with `InternetReadFile()` and `fwrite()`. With the later approach, download size can be monitord.

Is there any option to apply the font change in the Options dialog box itself?

BTW, can you provide the error message from that WSL preview setup? 1. Install that WSL Preview as you've done. 2. Run Command Prompt in `C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\wsltty\bin` folder. 3. Run `wslbridge2.exe`...

Here is some report from a quick look. * wslbridge2.exe in wsltty uses undocumented ILxssUserSession COM interface. It is provided by LxssManager.dll loaded in normal Win32 service host process. *...

> Upgrading to wsltty 3.5.1 fixed the issue for me. Are you using WSL Preview from Windows Store?

Would anyone like to volunteer to test a wslbridge2.exe? The test executable will be provided from CI and one has to just copy/paste it in wsltty installation.

I have solved this issue with [wsltty.appx][1] project. Here are my plans: * Revive the project so that it can be easily built. * There should be a easier and...

Yes, I am aware of that. The newer version of WSL Preview from Store has different COM interface. I have a fix. But I am waiting for the above discussion...