Biswapriyo Nath

Results 489 comments of Biswapriyo Nath

Please make sure any antivirus or antimalware software is not interfering with the install procedure, including Windows Defender.

What command did you run? Which environment did you run it? How did you compile ffmpeg? Does the issue happen in mingw32 environment only?

It is expected. The ffmpeg.exe will unable to find the dependent DLLs. It is possible to initialize the mingw32 environment in Powershell or CMD with this command `C:\msys64\msys2_shell.cmd -defterm -no-start...

> it is possible to build a static 32 bit ffmpeg that can work on windows 64 without initialize the mingw32 environment ? It depends on the dependencies of ffmpeg....

How does this succeed `c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\touch test\a`? Was the `test` folder created somehow? Also I can not reproduce your actual test case in normal Microsoft's Windows installation.

As discussed in this thread [Will There be an ARM/ARM64 Windows Support Soon?][1], the [llvm-mingw][2] can be used in MSYS2 environment to create ARM & ARM64 PE binaries. But it...

If git-for-windows and all the dependencies can be compiled using clang then llvm-mingw can also be used. cc. @mstorsjo

One question, if someone has knowledge can Windows 10 ARM64 support be added in whole GCC toolchain _without relying on clang_? Or is it impossible to do so?

If Git in Windows can be compiled without msys2/cygwin then I can try to build it for Windows ARM64. In other words, if mingw-w64-git package can be created then it...

Would you like to use a mingw version of the package? libpng is available in mingw packages.