Biswapriyo Nath

Results 489 comments of Biswapriyo Nath

Windows full version? Wslbridge version? Any extra permission? Which distro and it's version?

Where is `cthelper.exe`?

And how did you use it with wslbridge?

If you want to test I've done something here:

I've added another method [hvpty][1] in my wslbridge2 repository which uses Hyper-V sockets to connect with WSL2, can be used with mintty like terminals. [1]:

Cygwin now has Windows ConPTY support. See [this commit][1]. Released in Cygwin 3.1.0-0.3 test build. So, `wsl.exe` and other Windows console programs can be executed directly in mintty, no need...

I can not understand your query properly. In simple words, mintty becomes similar as CMD technically.

Theoratically, No backend, no extra code needed 🎉 Just type `wsl.exe`. One thing must be noted. The cygwin is now in test build so there are some issues.

Try this See previous comments. Also this

@dseven Thank you for the question. I will add a detailed instructions in my repo and let you know.