James Garbutt

Results 209 comments of James Garbutt

I can do this, just the same way i did it in eslint-plugin-lit. but that would ideally need #144 first so we stop relying on `any` and workaround types and...

In plain jsdoc its because `@fires` defines what will be fired, `@event` defines what the type is. You'd normally use both. but syntax has diverged a bit across a few...

Yep, duplicate of #200, the upcoming fix should solve both cases.

keep in mind i still need to add custom element declaration discovery into this, but it won't be difficult as we already have most of the logic. it would be...

i've now updated it to also process element declarations, so this should be most or all of the 1.0 schema supported now. i left a few TODOs around the code...

@justinfagnani i've done some of the feedback, will try get to the rest this week some time there's a couple of annoyances i've noticed which maybe we can do separate...

sorry this went stale! i've rebased onto master and sorted a few of the PR comments. i've also opened webcomponents/custom-elements-manifest#87 , we need that before we can merge. i still...

ill try have a read through it this weekend if i can, and get my head around it. interesting that jetbrains chose to build their own schema rather than use...

i haven't had time to try it myself but what i've read so far seems fine, makes sense. it'd be really, really nice if you could add some tests though...