James Garbutt

Results 209 comments of James Garbutt

You could probably make use of `program.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary` rather than guessing whats part of the lib and what isn't, too. Although a list of known TS files could work for now...

I'm just about to rebase, but once i do that, go for it

I rebased. You seem to have it in your head already what we need to do here so feel free to have a go at it. Especially since it crosses...

awesome ill have a read through the commits. ## strictFunctionTypes This stuff is an interesting point. I suppose it is actually right, though... you should strongly type your handlers to...

@justinfagnani @rictic this feels like something we should still get merged in so i have rebased onto master. but its a mixture of rune's rework and my changes, so i...

Similarly, it seems `sandbox` of the `iframe` element is too strongly typed and should be a union instead: ```html ``` and the `loading=lazy` attribute of things like image tags isn't...

Good question. I just commit via git through a terminal so I would have expected husky to be fine. I'll have a look tomorrow and see if there's any obvious...

@runem is this still a valid PR? could we try get it merged if its still needed. i can catch it up, presumably its pretty far behind by now

I'll take a look this week if I can. Peter already added a bundle to the plugin so I think the things preventing it from being used in the web...

👍 and yeah the vsc docs suggest the 'easy route' is to just webpack (in their case) a browser specific bundle where they've replaced the node libraries with web versions/polyfills....