James Garbutt

Results 209 comments of James Garbutt

looking at this again, im lost as to where i had problems 🤦 because trying again on a quick codepen POC, it seems to get past that point this example:...

i've had a lot of difficulty explaining this problem in the various issues/discussions so have been taking a break from it. anyhow, it isn't about me not wanting a local...

Yes of course. That it why I raised the problem with vfile since it is theirs to solve, not only yours. But the idea was quickly shot down and discussions...

> This can be mostly solved with [Skypack](https://www.skypack.dev/) or [Snowpack](https://www.snowpack.dev/). > Which are build tools, but are not bundlers rollup behind the scenes, these are bundlers. which is why no...

> It uses rollup to resolve node specifiers, it does not bundle the code, it transforms node specifiers to url specifiers not true, it uses a lot more of rollup...

ok i need to be clearer then. it _does_ bundle in that skypack literally uses a bundler behind the scenes (rollup). i am not saying it creates _a_ bundle, but...

> For CDN which are serving npm packages directly to browser, it is absolutely a limitation. A limitation solved by people shipping ESM rather than CJS. This isn't the CDN's...

> This is absolutely a limitation of CDNs. > They are serving the node package mangers modules to browsers. ok this explains a lot about your disagreements in these various...

> I'd be cautious on pre-bundling things try to make project dependency-less To be clear i wasn't suggesting we publish a bundle for this particular case. I was just talking...

https://glitch.com/edit/#!/plausible-slime-roof it doesn't cause any bugs by the looks of it but does mean we can do this, not that anyone would ever want to 👀 (see that the regex...