Thanks I will check fork version of KCL-Planning ROSPlan to learn about How to utilize ontology generation. Actually in KCL-Planning ROSPlan (source code) also I have seen some lines regarding...
Hello, Thank you for kind reply. Actually I have modified source code and generate domain file. Now it's almost similar to original one. Still some changes has to be done....
Exactly I didn't receive "action received", Instead I have received warning " /computer_logger: unable to get data: . I didn't see way-point generation on rviz visualisation. I will check whether...
Hello, I have fixed the problem regarding "subscription and the action dispatch should be on the same topic" as per your suggestion. Now after "goto_way-point dispatch" next thing it print...
I think you can check https://downloads.thebiogrid.org/BioGRID to find source.
Respected Sir, Thank you very much for your quick and nice reply. Your guidance is so helpful for me. Now I can restart my study with proper direction. Sir I...
Respected sir, I have refer your rovernet github source and based on that now I am trying to implement my own code to control mobile robot path. I want to...