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The tight integration of FAST-LIO with Radius-Search-based loop closure module.

Results 18 FAST_LIO_LC issues
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is it Livox Avia supported? how I launch it? there is not mention to it. thanks by share!!

Hi, @yanliang-wang Did u use submap for loop closure or just single frame?

roslaunch fast_lio mapping_velodyne.launch roslaunch aloam_velodyne fastlio_velodyne_VLP_16.launch rosbag play T3F2-2021-08-02-15-00-12.bag -r 2 在执行第3条命令,开始播放bag包后,就遇到如下截图的报错和结果: [ERROR] [1651823400.753885574]: Ignoring transform for child_frame_id "aft_pgo" from authority "unknown_publisher" because of a nan value in the transform...

您好,首先非常感谢您优秀的工作! 我在编译的时候出现了gtsam库中函数的问题,请问您遇到过这个问题吗?有没有什么解决的建议? ![image](

from which imu sensor imu_data is taken? what exactly x, y, and z parameter resembles? and can I use wheel encoder data instead of imu_data?

Dear author, Thank you very much for your excellent work. I would like to try FAST_LIO_LC package on my own dataset. However, when I run the roslaunch files, there is...

When a large range of outdoor mapping is carried out, the Z-axis will appear unacceptable drift. Can closed-loop optimization solve this problem? ![Uploading Snipaste_2023-12-21_11-58-34.png…]()

当我启动roslaunch aloam_velodyne fastlio_velodyne_VLP_16.launch时候出现报错 [alaserPGO-1] process has died [pid 41041, exit code 127, cmd /home/c307/last_ws/devel/lib/aloam_velodyne/alaserPGO /velodyne_points:=/velodyne_points /aft_mapped_to_init:=/Odometry /velodyne_cloud_registered_local:=/cloud_registered_body /cloud_for_scancontext:=/cloud_registered_lidar __name:=alaserPGO __log:=/home/c307/.ros/log/e11b8e0c-7d4b-11ee-8c02-f13796c8c84b/alaserPGO-1.log]. log file: /home/c307/.ros/log/e11b8e0c-7d4b-11ee-8c02-f13796c8c84b/alaserPGO-1*.log ![Uploading 2023-11-07 18-59-09 的屏幕截图.png…]() 这个怎么解决呀

FAST_LIO_LC的作者yanliang-wang,在FAST_LIO_SLAM的基础上添加了:1.基于Radius Search 基于欧式距离的回环检测搜索,增加回环搜索的鲁棒性;2.回环检测的优化结果,更新到FAST-LIO2的当前帧位姿中,幷进行ikdtree的重构,进而更新submap。 我想问个问题 如果做了回环检测优化位置后,不把优化后的结果更新到 fast lio,也不重构 ikdtree ,直接就用回环后的结果作为最后的结果,前端后端不耦合,完全分离,这样做有什么影响吗? 不重构的话,当前实修正的里程计就没更新到 fastlio里,然后,fastlio的维护的submap还是原始的激光里程计 不用 fastlio 的结果作为最后的结果,只用回环后端的结果作为最后结果 Fatlio 就做为一个单纯的里程计 Fastlio 单纯的只输出,不接受回环输入 相当于没有实时修正 这样有个好处,即便原作者改了代码,因为二者不耦合,也可以继续使用,各自都是单独的模块 我的疑问就是这种方式有什么坏处 会不会修正了 fastlio 的 submap 会使得最后的结果更好,因为相当于一直在修正,对于激光里程计的结果也会更好,还是说对于最后的结果影响不大,因为后端在不停的修正漂移 谢谢您的回复~