Yaacov Rydzinski

Results 309 comments of Yaacov Rydzinski


I was able to get rid of this error by calling jest --clearCache, probably because I had fixed one of the other causes listed above, but the cache retained the...

Link: https://www.graphql-tools.com/docs/schema-stitching Schema proxying is inaccurate, in a nutshell it is one graphql server proxying a portion of a query to another. It requires reserializing parsed input arguments.

Hi @mike-marcacci ! Great to get some attention on this, even if negative. Thanks for all your work on this library as well as fs-capacitor (and for your advocacy in...

Hi @jaydenseric ! Thanks again to you both for engaging with me on this. I appreciate your time, it's definitely not taken for granted. I think you are correct that...

Note that https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/pull/3049 alludes to above discussion. Looks like graphql-js will start using serialize for input values as workaround for issues involving default values. This, as noted there, is not...

Not sure if will address everything above, but see https://github.com/graphql-nexus/nexus/issues/148#issuecomment-747998067 for plans related to stitching code first schemas

As follow up, contrast, https://github.com/gmac/schema-stitching-handbook/tree/master/subservice-languages/javascript shows a schema stitching way of doing this where you annotate your nexus schema with directives to teach the gateway how to merge your types...

GraphQL-Tools's schema stitching now supports type merging similar to Federation, as well as specification of merge instructions for the gateway via directives (see our docs and https://github.com/gmac/schema-stitching-handbook for examples). We...