Yaacov Rydzinski

Results 309 comments of Yaacov Rydzinski

Something in nexus akin to https://typegraphql.com/docs/extensions.html ?? See https://github.com/MichalLytek/type-graphql/issues/351#issuecomment-747999216 Thanks again!

https://github.com/graphql-nexus/nexus/blob/main/src/definitions/objectType.ts#L160 Looks good from here!

Decided to go a different way and follow Gatsby/graphql-compose convention of reading directives from `extensions.directives` -- see https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/issues/1343#issuecomment-479871020 -- but I also allowed this to be customized as desired. This...

Nexus support is live with stitching directives (in extensions): https://github.com/yaacovCR/schema-stitching-demos/blob/code-first/code-first-schemas/services/inventory/schema.js note that although nexus supports tagging schema entities (types, fields) with directive nodes (directive use on schema entities) via extensions,...

See main repo https://github.com/gmac/schema-stitching-handbook

Methods are going to change soon with next release, might want to wait a bit for that. Primary method for all operations including subscriptions will just be execute. also not...

I'm also not really sure about which packages to bump to v8, I erred on bumping more rather than less.

Right now, implementing as non-backwards compatible to v14/v15. Let's get it working first and see where we end up.

That would be smart! this PR for now is just for defer stream, possibly we need to create another release branch for v8 to work on other PRs...

Status update: Good news -- after applying defer/stream fix for concurrent next calls via patch-package (https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/pull/2975), significant drop in failing tests! A good portion of the remaining failing tests are...