
Results 47 issues of xiekunwhy

Hi, Why python -m jcvi.formats.gff fixpartials cost huge memory? Gene number in gff file ~30000(~60000 mRNA, ~19000 are partial). And genome fasta 1.3G ![memory](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17738229/157595556-7a77e876-4d0d-4196-8a4a-1d6714f158de.png) Best, Kun

Hi, I use mmseqs2 to align genome sequences, but I found that the alignment length are always smaller than 10kb. Here are the steps describle how I use mmseqs2 1)...

## Expected Behavior Is it possible to use mmseqs2 to do BLAT-like search or give result format like blat (https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgBlat), how to do that if it is possible? Best, Kun

Hi @malonge , I open a new issue to report ragtag.py merge errors (mentioned here https://github.com/malonge/RagTag/issues/66 ), and I have sent you an e-mail using [email protected]. Best, Kun

Hi, Is it necessary to sort bam files by read names before markdup? Best, Kun

support request - please use google groups instead

Hi, We need to run tirvish two times for a single genome (one run for original sequence and an other run for reverse complement sequence)? I found some describtions here...


Hi, I found that all IDs were changed after running ltrdigest, why don't add -retainids option to retain original IDs like sort and select? Best, Kun

feature request

Hi, Can we use megahit as a denovo assembler to assemble rna-seq data? Best, Kun

Hi, I am looking for some assemblers to assemble a high heterozygous rate plant genome(diploid, het rate > 2%, haplotype genome size ~3.6G). And I want to know how to...

Hi, It seems that octopus open one temporary vcf file per contigs/scaffolds. For many non-model species, there are many contigs/scaffolds in their reference genome, for example https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/GCA_000966675.2/ , the number...
