
Results 23 issues of wlnirvana

# TL;DR `Reveal.initialize({markdown:{render: myRenderer}})` does not extend the default renderer, but completely replace it with the argument passed. # Details I'm trying to integrate mermaidjs into reveal by setting up...

fonts.googleapis.com是很常用的web fonts,大陆已经解封,用国内的DNS会解析到谷歌北京的服务器,使用代理速度反而会变慢不少。 但是DLC中使用了googleapis.com这一域名: https://github.com/v2ray/domain-list-community/blob/2e48442b4745e435eccbadf4788df5bb368db833/data/google#L311 这会使得fonts子域名也走代理,在配置(尤其是DNS)时很不方便。 PS:除fonts外,还有一些其他服务也已经解封,可参考https://github.com/felixonmars/dnsmasq-china-list/blob/master/google.china.conf和https://github.com/felixonmars/dnsmasq-china-list/blob/master/apple.china.conf

The `--n_epochs` argument is in fact an iteration, which updates the weight based on a random sample of data points. There is no conclusive definition, but the community generally define...

The [doc](https://caddyserver.com/docs/caddyfile/directives/reverse_proxy#upstreams) says: > Specifying ports 80 and 443 are the same as specifying the HTTP and HTTPS schemes, respectively. However, the following configs don't work ```caddyfile gh.proxy.mydomain.com { reverse_proxy...


With iPhone + Sogou input method, multi-character Chinese word, e.g. `你好`, cannot be processed correctly in the CodeMirror input box. After the word `你好` is selected, only `你` goes to...


https://vijos.org/d/kidolab_2019_Spring/user/136941 Last accessed: Mon Mar 25 15:23:42 CST 2019 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3822785/54901643-12819a80-4f12-11e9-9953-4990089308d8.png) Is this 0 or 46?


The default end time is `23:59`, and there are options for about every 15mins, but it cannot be manually modified to, say `17:59`. Browser: `Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X...


It would be nice if problems can be uploaded with not only test data, but description (say in a `description.md` alongside the `config.ini`) as well.


Thanks for the brilliant job of bringing the homework system online! I am wondering if it is possible to delete or hide an obsolete/dummy homework.


# Feature Request The current version checks from raw.githubusercontent.com every time when it is launched to see if there is any new version of obfuscator. Unfortunately the URL is hardly...