
Results 23 issues of wlnirvana


**I certify that I have first consulted** (check all with "x") **我确认我已经查看了** (使用 "x" 选择) - [x] [Hexo documentation | Hexo 文档](https://hexo.io/docs/) - [x] [Material theme documentation | Material 主题文档](https://material.viosey.com/)...

nvm does [this](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#use-a-mirror-of-node-binaries). And it will definitely help users who have internet connection issues.


I am wondering it is possible or a planned feature that for (primarily autograded) coursework: 1. The instructor can set up a learning path with dependencies between each unit (could...

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Low

Is it planned to support peer grading, which could improve sociality in learning and motivate students?

Type: Enhancement
Priority: Low

While setting up a local ok server, `pip install -r requirements.txt` prints the following error message in red ``` requests-oauthlib 1.2.0 has requirement oauthlib>=3.0.0, but you'll have oauthlib 2.0.2 which...

Running through [this tutorial](https://www.baeldung.com/powermock-private-method). The project works well with jdk8, but fails with jdk11. The error message is: ``` org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException: Mockito cannot mock this class: class com.baeldung.powermockito.introduction.LuckyNumberGenerator. Mockito can only...

Some vendors now support a new format of subscription that encrypts servers twice in base64 format. For example: Two v2ray servers ```txt {"v":"2","ps":"some comment","add":"the address.com","port":"12345","id":"25BFDA62-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-D793F4C42C2C","aid":1,"net":"tcp","type":"none","host":"","path":"","tls":""} {"v":"2","ps":"美国 1x","add":"another.address.com","port":"23456","id":"25BFDA62-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-D793F4C42C2C","aid":1,"net":"tcp","type":"none","host":"","path":"","tls":""} ``` are first...

The current implementation depends on [counting the length of the array after separating texts by white spaces](https://github.com/michael-lynch/reading-time/blob/2.0.0/src/readingtime.js#L58). While this will work for most Indo-European languages, text in some other languages,...

可以考虑借鉴甚至直接使用已有的开源解决方案。不过我简单搜了一下,感觉功能都比较多,相对复杂,用在乡村学校可能反而over engineer了。 我以前在一家公益组织工作的时候简单地配过[OpenBiblio][1],还有中国网友做了[本土化][4]。不过官方的[BitBucket Repo][2]已经有几年没更新了,倒是有网友fork之后貌似维护着[另外一个版本][3],但不知道具体用起来怎么样。估计装一套WAMP之类的还是要的。 [1]:http://obiblio.sourceforge.net/ [2]:https://bitbucket.org/mstetson/obiblio/ [3]:https://bitbucket.org/jgvdweij/obiblio [4]:https://github.com/crickzhang1/openbiblio-locale-chinese-translation