Sebastian Wilzbach

Results 359 comments of Sebastian Wilzbach

Musl (the alternative glibc replaced used by Alpine) hasn't been supported by DRuntime. However, recent work is closing this gap and compiling DRuntime with Musl will be possible soon (see...

1) It doesn't work (at least when I tried it half a year ago) 2) Using the bulky glibc kills the entire point of using alpine in the first place...

Hey, I would be interested in fixing that issue, too. Has anyone been successful so far or got a new insight?

bumping this - could anyone get dabble to work?

When I tried to add libdparse to its build path I get ``` dabble/parser.d(77): Error: function dabble.parser.DabbleParser.error does not override any function, did you mean to override 'dparse.parser.Parser.error'? dabble/parser.d(203): Error:...

It looks like `2.070.2` is our winner: ![image](

I know this might not be that pleasant, but if you want libasync to be included in Phobos (and I hope you do propose that soon), it has to use...

I currently don't have time either, but I wanted to create this issue in case anyone (maybe even myself in the future) wants to contribute to this project.

@Vild @bubnenkoff I opened a PR ( with an extracted example for using this great library to allow user login/signup via multiple OAuthProviders (Github, Google in my example) and saving...