Wiesław Šoltés

Results 243 comments of Wiesław Šoltés

@HughGrovesArup What is your Program target framework? I usually target multiple frameworks when publishing library so when its executed (usually net461 or netcoreapp2.2 target) the missing platform features are available...

Maybe its this issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51904125/azure-function-gives-error-system-drawing-is-not-supported-on-this-platform Did you try running using different target framework like `net461` ?

The work done in #780 and #772 will enable building using `dotnet Source/Svg.sln` (on windows at least as the samples require that), or on other supported OS's by .NET you...

I think the solution in Svg.Skia is not really applicable here as it's far more complex. That said the rendering model is based one to one mapping from SkiaSharp so...

> though we would have to check the performance implications here, as this may be called quite often. We have benchmarks for that now. I am working of Parse optimizations...

So when loading document and the `transform` property is not set the attribute for that property has default value null. I have checked code and mostly there are null checks...

> You can probably wait until the property is read the first time to create the collection. That is what I am talking: ``` get { return GetAttribute("transform", false); }...

This will allocate new SvgTransformCollection for each element that is rendered: ``` [SvgAttribute("transform")] public SvgTransformCollection Transforms { get { return GetAttribute("transform", false, new SvgTransformCollection()); } set { var old =...

Always create transforms collection: | Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Op/s | Rank | Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated | |----------------------------------- |------------:|---------:|---------:|--------:|-----:|-----------:|-----------:|-----------:|----------:|...

> Hm, ok, so it's not so bad then... Need to do more benchmarks to make that conclusion, probably of smaller files.