Wiesław Šoltés

Results 243 comments of Wiesław Šoltés

When I invert this condition https://github.com/svg-net/SVG/blob/197d4dca72683e34b453fc910bd3823c639a8f1c/Source/SvgElement.cs#L87 than repro passes, but there are few tests that fail, not sure why

Failing test: ```C# [Test] public void Test_Issue_789() { var converter = new SvgPaintServerFactory(); var server = SvgPaintServerFactory.Create("#f0f0f0", null); var value = converter.ConvertTo(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, server, typeof(string)); Assert.AreEqual("#F0F0F0", value); } ```

> Looking at your benchmark results on the Pull request > > SvgColourConverter_Parse_system_colors_single_DIRECT_first seems to be slower in than old implementation > But you have probable already improved the performance...

* master ``` | Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Op/s | Ratio | Rank | Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated | |-------------------------------...

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.xml.xmltextreader?view=net-5.0#remarks ` Starting with the .NET Framework 2.0, we recommend that you create XmlReader instances by using the XmlReader.Create method to take advantage of new functionality. ` ``` | Method...

The real issue is the removal of System.Drawing.Common breaks a lot of stuff and backwards compatibility and you have re-implement it using something else. See my attempt to just remove...

I did try today `Microsoft.Maui.Graphics` with my Svg.Model (base library used by Svg.Skia) to implement basic svg rendering. I have found several issues in that library: https://github.com/dotnet/Microsoft.Maui.Graphics/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+author%3Awieslawsoltes The library is...

> That looks cool, perhaps that can be split into `Svg.Maui`, and have the normal `Svg` package get killed off, with there being an `Svg.WinForms` which is then Windows only...

This would help a lot with my SkiaSharp port. This is my current rendering interface used for SkiaSharp: https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/Svg.Skia/blob/4ac1dfb7d58cf9121a472a1d086367b39ba0cf01/src/Svg.Skia/ISvgRenderer.cs#L9 https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/Svg.Skia/blob/master/src/Svg.Skia/SvgRenderer.cs#L11 and a lot of helper methods: https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/Svg.Skia/blob/master/src/Svg.Skia/SvgHelper.cs#L16

> So, I understand you are volunteering for this? 😛 I will not be easy to decouple the System.Drawing dependencies from current implementation. Anyway I will have pretty good idea...