Wiesław Šoltés

Results 243 comments of Wiesław Šoltés

@angelsix It's know issue with previewer not resolving some external assemblies, unfortunately not know fix, but there is workaround to make previewer work. Replace this lines: https://github.com/angelsix/youtube/blob/08a0263702ba319b0e7553ddcc7934a3ec127772/Avalonia/AvaloniaLoudnessMeter/Program.cs#L16-L19 with: ```C# public...

Added comment to README so others can also find the workaround https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/Svg.Skia#avalonia-previewer

> Awesome thanks that KeepAlive fixed it. Perhaps keep this open until its fixed somehow? I added comment to README with the workaround, and I don't think it's easily fixable...

This is feature from SVG 2 which is currently not supported.


> Hi, > > Currently using the SvgColourServer to define the stopColor of fill color > > There is a issue in the SvgGradientStop StopColor and fill when it is...

> Initially I've used svg. Net and the output is correct. It's supported by svg and is working under Chrome. I've moved my project under svg. Skia and I've seen...

> Latest... For now I'm mainly on svg. Net It's working on svg net for the last two years since the day I started playing with your library.... I've a...

Try TransformedBounds https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/Svg.Skia/blob/472b9a14f9d14d140e0c70c12073f5cecb42b2a9/src/Svg.Model/Drawables/DrawableBase.cs#L24

Please use https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/SvgToXaml