Werner Beroux

Results 165 comments of Werner Beroux

It'd be also good to allow having no password if one trusts all users on its system (or single user).

Adding the sensor to the GPIO makes sense often however there are clear advantage of an MQTT solution: - Xiaomi Mi temperature sensor and such can be placed anywhere very...

As a side note, I'd make it based on Alpine like the official `docker:dind`. You just need to include Glib-C for example from https://github.com/andyshinn/alpine-pkg-glibc/

Seems like Docker is finally moving to fix this, but probably a long time until most docker Daemons have that enabled by default.

You can use Docker Hub autobuild to build automatically when the file changes, and also increase trust in your image. It's free.

I agree. That's why I'm not suggesting to make it the default, but to support it. For example my image is based on that Docker image and I install some...

I tested a little more and found that currently it needs **an existing user** to work. This probably could be improved so it works even if the user doesn't exist...

I suggest a few change (note some extra dependencies to be covered for newbies and avoiding `yay`): ```bash # From within Steam install SteamVR: # https://store.steampowered.com/app/250820/SteamVR/ pacman -S ffmpeg openvr...

See https://github.com/MyrikLD/LinusTrinus/issues/30

I admit I should update it, it's just very painful to maintain this one.