Werner Beroux

Results 165 comments of Werner Beroux

> (For master, I suspect taking https://hub.docker.com/r/envoyproxy/envoy-alpine as a base could be convenient) I'm really reluctant to use a base image that is not an official OS of Docker Hub...

What if ngx_pagespeed as provided as an AppImage? I'm not sure but it might work on Alpine then without almost any work. https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/issues/1015 I'll update the dev branch with what...

One more issue regarding build PSOL: The latest release does not seem to have submodules defined: https://github.com/apache/incubator-pagespeed-ngx/blob/v1.13.35.2-stable/.gitmodules So it looks like either need to guess a compatible PSOL, or build...

@oschaaf Once there is a release with PSOL source code, I'll try again to compile PSOL.

Thank you. Btw. I replied on https://github.com/apache/incubator-pagespeed-mod/pull/2021

Maybe one day, right now I'm hoping that PageSpeed will provide a better support for Alpine (see https://github.com/apache/incubator-pagespeed-ngx/issues/1181)

Why close the ticket if it's something desired? Do you only want to keep defects open?

I agree. First I forgot another benefit: The arguments end market: `mycmd --foo foo -- --this-is-a-file -another-one` There are still solutions: 1. Flag to support "-help" => "-h -e -l...

Everything after a " -- " will never be interpreted as a named parameter. Other than that, it has no effect. For example both are equivalent: ``` mycmd --arg1 ok...

I did, gave same results except without $DISPLAY warning.