Werner Beroux

Results 165 comments of Werner Beroux

Plex version for Ubuntu 64 (sha1 `c9d3d4a709a30b86f144c5f59b6894bd5ba89b3f` matching what's on https://www.plex.tv/downloads/) cannot be installed. This is a new issue as version works. [Posted the issue also on Plex...

@gravufo I suggested 2 other workarounds. I'll leave it open until resolved.

Looks like an unrelated issue with `retrieve-plex-token` (see #39).

I remember creating a dummy `start` for example. May be a dummy `udev` or `udevadm` would fix this.

You can use also `wernight/plex-media-server:latest`. 1.7.5 has the issue described here. I've just pushed a temp fix until this is properly fixed. You may pull to test the new version.

@domibarton The image will not grow over time. You just need to clean up unused images which not docker have `docker image prune`. There is a non-autoupdate but that should...

You may want to check https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/201543147-What-network-ports-do-I-need-to-allow-through-my-firewall- Also check your `Preferences.xml` and if you want to autologin without accessing using the web UI specify `X_PLEX_TOKEN` or `PLEX_LOGIN` and `PLEX_PASSPORT`, and possible...

I suggest you check your network step by step. I don't know how many layers you have etc. I also don't know your docker-compose (if you're using that) or if...

Just type it in the page, even if nothing is visible. But understand the meaning: It'll just allow man-in-middle attacks so it's pretty much the same as if you had...

May I ask why you're using nginx reverse proxy? Plex doesn't need to run behind Nginx.