> It might be a big change and could make lvl 10 imps almost unkillable. I disagree. But maybe one could add a rule in rules.cfg something like TeleportFleeBehavior =...
> Teleport to where? How can we ensure they don't teleport straight into another battle? To their Lair? That they should already do in case of Mistress with low health,...
> The possibility to a player be server (so you must open ports on your router and that stuff) and client at the same time like some games? This you...
> My PHP implementation of the masterserver can now be found at: Could you please elaborate? Thanks!
lol ok
> @Spatulade I very much like that idea. > > However, this issue is for an Intro, and what you suggest would not really be an intro but a separate...
What happen if the creature is drop with Must Obey active? Also sometime a creature is allowed to do Manufacture or Research but they can't do it cause they have...
I checked Tulipscent and the Reapers both use their Lair and Hatchery, they also take their salary from their Treasure Room.
Instead of bubble think, why not have it play the same animation they use when you drop them on a room they don't want to work in?
Last commit description isn't clear, what I meant is when you give only ``OUT_OF_BATTLE`` to an instance then it shouldn't be used during a combat.