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Results 271 vue issues
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### Version 2.5.13 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce Specify a required prop with a default value: ```js Vue.component('comp', { template: '{{ typeof x }} {{ x }}',...


### Version 2.6.14 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce 1. Clone the repo 2. Run `npm run serve` 3. Change the value in the text input ### What...


### Version 2.6.11 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce Click the "increment" button ### What is expected? the counter in the #default slot of the Parent should increment...

### Version 2.7.14 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce There is no ### What is expected? const subs = this.subs.filter(s => s) as DepTarget[] if (subs.length === 0)...

### Version 2.6.11 ### Reproduction link The reproduction is updated to use Vue SSR without NUXT []( ### Steps to reproduce _Dynamic.vue_ ```vue content necessary ``` _App.vue_ ```vue ``` ###...

has workaround

### Version 2.7.14 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce Using the Composition API, provide a value and then inject it in the same component. ### What is expected?...

### Version 2.7.14 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce 1. Checkout repo, install NPM dependencies, run app in dev mode. 2. Repeatedly press the main button on screen...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [x] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor -...

### Version 2.7.14 ### Reproduction link [](,main.js&terminal=start) ### Steps to reproduce Run `main.js` in the reproduction link ### What is expected? Each render in that reproduction would work ### What...

Based on #1961. It wasn't possible to specify a required prop of type object and pass null as the value **What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at...

feature request