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Bumps [follow-redirects]( from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4. Commits 6585820 Release version 1.15.4 of the npm package. 7a6567e Disallow bracketed hostnames. 05629af Prefer native URL instead of deprecated url.parse. 1cba8e8 Prefer native...


relate **What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [x] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ]...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [x] Bugfix: fix #13104 - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ]...

See **What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [x] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ]...

Improve the scope value speed **What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style...

…keys like [d, b, b, e, ....], when patch the second key "b" Vnode by new children, the vnodeToMove will be undefined, so need add a condition for vnodeToMove fix...

need repro

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [x] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor -...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [x] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor -...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [x] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor -...