vue icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue copied to clipboard

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Results 271 vue issues
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**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor...

Be align with Vue3 [#6652]( **What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [x] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [x] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor -...

Be align with [Vue3 #6764]( **What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [x] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update...

### Reproduction ~~ ### Steps to reproduce the bug Click on change ### Expected behavior The watcher doesn't trigger ### Actual behavior The watcher triggers

### What problem does this feature solve? Currently `script setup` components are compiled to a code where `setup()` function returns all data used in the template, components have also `components`...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [x] Refactor -...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor...

**What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (check at least one) - [ ] Bugfix - [ ] Feature - [ ] Code style update - [ ] Refactor...