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[2.7] Composition API's inject doesn't work for things provided in the same component

Open maxbogue opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments



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Steps to reproduce

Using the Composition API, provide a value and then inject it in the same component.

What is expected?

The value will be injected; this is the behavior in the 2.6 @vue/composition-api plugin.

What is actually happening?

This injection key is not found, printing a warning (and breaking the app if it depends on this behavior):

[Vue warn]: injection "Symbol(FooKey)" not found.

It seems this was reported before in but the fix targeted some lifecycle thing instead of this underlying functionality change. I'm trying to upgrade my company from Vue 2.6 to Vue 2.7 (and hopefully to Vue 3 after that) but little breaking changes like this are making it very difficult.

maxbogue avatar Apr 20 '23 20:04 maxbogue