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vue-property-decorator @ProvideReactive/@InjectReactive not working in 2.7.14

Open ahumellihuk opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments



Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce

  1. Checkout repo, install NPM dependencies, run app in dev mode.
  2. Repeatedly press the main button on screen that increments count
  3. Watch console output and read description provided.
  4. Check the source code

What is expected?

All three provided services are injected successfully

What is actually happening?

Some of the provided services are injected as undefined

The problem appears to be this change, which interferes with how @ProvideReactive/@InjectReactive decorators work (nested __reactiveInject__ object).

Since vue-property-decorator is now deprecated and Vue 2 support is ending soon I'm not sure how feasible the fix would be. For now we're sticking with 2.7.13 before we can migrate to Vue 3.

ahumellihuk avatar Apr 20 '23 20:04 ahumellihuk