Results 19 comments of Volker Krause

Since this is not the first time this comes up, and since this code is also proving annoying to migrate to Qt6, I'd suggest to remove that entire feature, unless...

Client dependencies found in the system prefix pulling in a (newer) system Qt is a recurring problem, can happen with KF5, KDSME or even Qt modules not present in the...

TimerModel is us, the rest is coming from Qt. @pasnox any idea about the recursive timeout warning?

QtLocation is gone in Qt6, so this entire thing doesn't work there anyway.

When reviewing this I found it hard to reason about the dependencies in the launcher code, so I have shuffled the code around a bit and integrated the part of...

I think you are right, separating the command line arguments affecting the probe from those affecting the injector makes sense. The approach in general is fine IMHO, as discussed by...

> In [public-transport/transport-apis#1](, we had a similar discussion: How do we define a mechanism to encode a geographical/political relationship that works across the globe? We agreed that using ISO-3166 is...

Maybe useful for this, here are our endpoint configurations (not all of them are Hafas though) ~~

Using KPublicTransport's implementation, using the same endpoint and resolved to the same IP.