@corporateshark I have pull two request to fix it. [https://github.com/facebook/igl/pull/113](https://github.com/facebook/igl/pull/113) [https://github.com/facebook/igl/pull/114](https://github.com/facebook/igl/pull/114)
@rokuz I use RenderDoc on Windows to connect My Android phone. The vulkan demo run on Android phone. My Windows RenderDoc version is V1.32
Would it be better to replace it with (std::shared_ptr)?
After I open the vulkan VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation (https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/graphics/validation-layer?hl=zh-cn#layers-local-storage) RenderDoc capture frame successful.
@corporateshark Can this pull request about OpenGL be merged?
@syeh1 @corporateshark Does DeviceFeatureLimits::BufferAlignment mean GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT? I fix the same problem on opengl backend in another pull request: https://github.com/facebook/igl/pull/113
https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Uniform_Buffer_Object#Data_storage If you bind a uniform buffer with glBindBufferRange, the offset field of that parameter must be a multiple of GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT (this is a global value, not a per-program or...
This is my use scene: put the data for multiple uniform blocks in a single buffer object. In that scene,must make sure that the data for each within that block...
> Ok, got it. In that case, iOS is 256b, but M2 would be 32b (looking at the Minimum Constant Buffer offset Alignment row) On m2 is 32B,means 128byte.@syeh1
I update the value on macos. So the alignment on iOS simulator is 256byte, on macos is 128 byte, on iOS phones is 16 byte.