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Why use RenderDoc to capture gpu frame for Vulkan failed?
When I use RenderDoc to capture gpu frame for debug on Vulkan , it always cause RenderDoc remote server disconnected. For example in the Textured3DCubeSession demo.
If i use opengl backend , the RenderDoc works fine.
if i use The diligent engine demo for test vulkan demo, the RenderDoc works fine too.
Hi @vinsentli ! On what platform do you try? Windows or Android? And what RenderDoc version?
@rokuz I use RenderDoc on Windows to connect My Android phone. The vulkan demo run on Android phone. My Windows RenderDoc version is V1.32
That sounds like it might be a RenderDoc issue.
@vinsentli Could you please check https://renderdoc.org/docs/how/how_android_capture.html.
After I open the vulkan VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation (https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/graphics/validation-layer?hl=zh-cn#layers-local-storage)
RenderDoc capture frame successful.