Unnawut Leepaisalsuwanna

Results 56 comments of Unnawut Leepaisalsuwanna

From team discussion: - We could make a plug for that and plug it into all public endpoints, which should be conveniently grouped as public/authed endpoints already. - Set a...

Hi @ZakAyesh, glad you're intrested! The change is a little bit more involved but should be similar to https://github.com/omisego/ewallet/pull/870/files.

Should be able to simplify significantly using [`Phoenix.Controller.action_fallback/1`](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/Phoenix.Controller.html#action_fallback/1).

Quick question: is it an addition or a replacement?

> Register ENS You mean our own OENS (#706)?

Please follow https://github.com/omgnetwork/ewallet#getting-started and on step 3, after running `./docker-gen.sh > docker-compose.override.yml`, the secrets should be auto populated into the `docker-compose.override.yml` file

4 new websocket channels for transactions - all transactions - all transactions per account - all transactions per user - specific transaction by id submit the events `created` and `updated`...

Question: Where do we retrieve the info from. Another service or we implement our own from raw blockchain data?

Notes from previous discussions: - This OENS is a reverse DNS where it maps a blockchain address -> a URI where the eWallet server resides (e.g. `0xABCD...` -> `https://www.example.com:4000/`). -...

Unfortunately with the new chaperon release (0.3.0): ``` Failed to use "cowboy" (version 1.1.2) because chaperon (version 0.3.0) requires ~> 2.6 phoenix (version 1.3.4) requires ~> 1.0 plug_cowboy (version 1.0.0)...