Results 110 comments of typicode

Hi @gugadev, In your user home, you should find a directory `./hotel`. Feel free to paste the content of the `daemon.log`.

I have Windows 10 too and last time I tested it, it worked. Maybe there was an update that broke something. I'll give another try. Maybe it can help debugging,...

I've retried on Windows 10 with Node 8.1.0 and didn't have problems. I'll update Node.

You're welcome, happy to help (and hope a solution will be found). If you can find hotel module directory, you can run manually the daemon with the following command: ```sh...

Hi @sardaukar why do you need to restart hotel after that?

Do you know if the hello world fails as well ( If yes, I can use the instructions there to quickly setup a Phoenix server and add it to hotel....

Hi @yash2code, What kind of errors did you get? You can use `hotel add -o dev.log 'laravel command'` to log output to `dev.log` or you can see them on ``.

Hi @joegaudet, Thanks for sharing the solution for `curl`. I would suggest trying to set `proxy.pac` system wide and see if it's better. I haven't tested but the idea is...

Hi @mswiszcz, TBH, I didn't have much time to work on this problem. Have you tried setting the proxy auto config system-wide?

Hi @floydwch Sorry for the delay. Actually, I don't understand how it's better than the self-signed certificate that is shipped with hotel?