Results 111 comments of typicode

I see, didn't thought about that, thanks. But for servers, all the traffic goes through hotel and the certificate is local so except if I'm missing something I don't think...

@floydwch thank you for the explanation, will merge. I'm curious though if the browser wouldn't still complain, even if the certificate is trusted, because it's a self-signed one.

Took some time to do more testing and followed the instructions in the link. But Chrome still won't trust the certificate: Tried on: - Safari: doesn't open at all...

@layerssss thank you for the help and sharing your project :+1: . It looks great but seems to rely on `openssl` which would limit its usage to OS X/Linux and...

I've not played much with let's encrypt so maybe it's not possible. But also found this project ( that seems to do it, so I think I'll first experiment with...

Thanks for the PR :) (and the style fix) I'd like to understand better, the idea is to be to have "pretty" names for files and automatically get valid domain?...

Interesting, didn't know it was possible to run Node/Hotel under Android. I'm updating to better handle this and then will update Hotel. Hotel won't be started automatically though. Don't...

That said, I'm not even sure it's going to be enough or if there's going to be side effects as Android is kind of an edge case for this project....

Just curious, are you running directly an Android environment or is it in a Virtual Machine run from another OS just for Android dev? Do you have some kind of...

Hi @CaryLandholt, I must say I haven't thought about using dots in tld actually. And not sure if a tld can have dots. But you can set the tld to...