Results 111 comments of typicode

Truly sorry and thank you for the PR, I will review it for next major release (planned for Node EOL). I'll take care of the potential conflicts if it's merged,...

Thanks again for the PR, after long consideration I'd rather not make husky's code more complex, sorry. Especially since it can be achieved without any change in the API. If...

Thanks for rising this issue. READMEs have been updated and should reflect the same usage instructions. I've answered as to why there are three READMEs in the PR.

Hi @kolbeypruitt, Thank you for the report, that's unexpected. What's the version of JSON Server you're using? Can you try with the beta channel? Simply install json-server with `@next`: ```...

The first thing would need to have a failing test: Does someone want to make a PR?

Actually, I think I understand better why we're getting this. If the content type is `Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and data is sent as form data, everything gets turned to strings. ```js $.ajax('http://localhost:3000/posts/1',...

Fixed on `master`, I'll release a patch today or tomorrow. For the test, I found why it wasn't detecting the issue. Deep equal comparison was used instead of the strict...

It's released (`v0.9.3`) and sorry for the long wait.

> By the way, can I specify to use string id instead? It is not mentioned in the CLI useage. You can't specify, but JSON Server figures out "automatically" somehow....

Hi, JSONPlaceholder doesn't support `_delay`. So addind it does nothing actually. You can however use the CLI locally with v0.17 `json-server --delay 5000 db.json` Or use Chrome's `Network tab...