Results 6 issues of typicode

I noticed some inconsistency in colors case, this PR makes them all lowercase. `extras` config would need to be regenerated, let me know if you'd like me to make re-generate...

Thanks for TokyoNight :) This PR adds [foot]( terminal color config.

1. Handle `ENOSPC` and `EACCES` in `src/daemon/index.js` 2. If not on Windows, show a message suggesting to try `sudo chown -R $USER: $HOME/.hotel` 3. Log error message and stacktrace 4....

help wanted
PR welcome

### What is the feature you are proposing? I don't have a strong opinion on this and I'm fine with the way Hono currently works. However, I'm wondering if something...


I think it would be great to be able to show what stop-server does on the README instead of just a screenshot (e.g. press stop on your phone and see...

help wanted

It's now supported by recent versions of Safari (tested on 9.1)