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:scissors: :zap: Rapid haploid variant calling and core genome alignment

Results 164 snippy issues
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I am trying Snippy with contigs genomes, but after running for a while it shows the following error. Please suggest how to improve it. Also, I tried snippy-multi but it...

Hi, I am trying to find SNPs from WGS contigs dowloaded from NCBI by using snippy available at Galaxy server ( However, an error is presented: "Fatal error: Exit code...


Hi! I was calling SNPs with 30 CPUs. However, I noticed that after SNP calling, when snippy-core started, the CPU usage was of only one. Is there a way to...

Hi Seeman I ran snippy on mutliple isolates with the snippy-multi --ref ../gubbins_dir/ref_seq_dir/GCF_001600975_1_ASM160097v1.fasta --cpus 16 > When checked the file, I noticed one of my isolates...

Hello, I hope you're well. I am struggling to get any install of Snippy working. I've followed all instructions using either Conda or Brew, and both result in errors. I've...

I got this error like this. Does anyone can help to fix?? I run command on HPC: snippy --R1 $p_trim/VN0467_1_paired.fastq.gz --R2 $p_trim/VN0467_2_paired.fastq.gz --outdir /lustre7/home/buihoangphuc412/Projects/GWAS/variant/VN0467 --prefix VN0467 --ref $p_ref/genome/CHC97.fasta --report --cpus...

Dear Tseemann, We got this unusual error when running snippy-core on the snippy output folders where it says: " ERROR: Could not extract base NZ_CP084351.1:134 for isolate AD_SRR13280317_1.fastq_out" (with NZ_CP084351...

Hi, I'm using snippy v4.6.0 in the --ctg contig mode. It does not detect snps at the ends of the contigs. Something seems to be wrong with the uniform coverage...

I installed snippy v 4.6.0 and snpEff version SnpEff 5.1d (build 2022-04-19 15:49). When the reference file is a .gb file, I encounter the following error [19:30:07] This is snippy...