
Results 12 issues of thierryjanssens

Hi, I would like to blast the assembly against the databases of NCBI, but not via the Web blast by rather via a local search. In the blast SEARCH wizard...

The #--metagenome option does not result in the same behaviour as leaving out -c in the standalone prodigal version (tested with --kingdom Viruses). Is there an option to include this...


Hi, according to Anaconda this package should be available: However, after running the install code I get the error $ conda install -c ericmjl dna_features_viewer Solving environment: failed PackagesNotFoundError:...

I cannot install gff3tool in a freshly created conda env (including python=2.7 and perl): (gff3tool_env) [user@XXX]$ pip install gff3tool DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on...

Hi, when running treesub on incomplete sequences (i.e. alignment with gaps) stop codons emerge (e.g. I96*) in the output. This happens for entire stretches of sequences. Is there a way...

Hi, I am trying to install as follows (RTools 4.0 present and installed). > devtools::install_github("sprouffske/growthcurver") Downloading GitHub repo sprouffske/growthcurver@master Error in utils::download.file(url, path, method = method, quiet = quiet, :...

Hi, I am trying to check the specificity of the following degenerate primer pair from the literature. Unfortunately, it is not producing any results. BLAST alignment processing, refreshing in 20...

Hi, I run into the following error when I want to concatenate a bunch of svg files as follows --direction=v --margin=100 Figure\ S1.svg Figure\ S2.svg Figure\ S3.svg Figure\ S4.svg...

Hi, I am running racon on a set of smal input files (fasta after minimap2). $ racon -m 8 -x -6 -g -8 -w 500 -t 8 11-3901.fa align_11-3901.fa.sam ref_11-3901.fa.fasta...

Hi, I would like to use advanced arguments to adjust the plot (e.g. breaks, nlevel). Adding this aurgument to the plot function gives no alteration of the output (neither an...