Liang Zhang

Results 24 issues of Liang Zhang

in: test
good first issue
in: metadata

The current Exception is not very clear. It is better to redesign the exception hierarchy of ShardingSphere. 1. The exception should split to ShardingSphereException which can throw to SDK layer...

type: refactor
in: kernel

FAQ page always changes, but the document is pretty static. It is better to split FAQ and document, just remove FAQ and move the content into GitHub Wiki. The tasks...

in: document
good first issue

in: test
good first issue
in: metadata

There is JDBCTemplate class using in shardingsphere-integration-test-scaling which is unnecessary. Please use raw JDBC to access database and keep the module's dependency more simple.

type: refactor
in: test

in: test
good first issue
mode: standalone

- [ ] Add fixture: JDBCRepositoryFixture implements JDBCRepository - [ ] Add test case with mock

in: test
good first issue
mode: standalone

It seems the shardingsphere-standalone-mode-repository-jdbc-h2 module is unnecessary in shardingsphere-proxy-backend and shardingsphere-jdbc-core-spring, please try to remove them.

type: refactor
mode: standalone

There are more and more features in ShardingSphere, and there are lots of configurations and usages need to be clear. I want to discuss the new structure of documents. The...

type: discussion
in: document

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