- [ ] Another report here on a custom Blockbase child theme: 36046918-hc Follow up ticket created here: 5367615-zd-woothemes The user shared that this a very common issue on FSE...
Reported here: 9067753-hc Followed up here: 5524155-zd-woothemes
- [ ] Another instance here: 5363479-zd-woothemes Asked user to change to another FSE theme for now.
- [ ] Another here: 5416139-zd-woothemes . Asked user to change themes.
Another case here: 5545536-zd-woothemes Suggested using Blog posts block on static home page or trying a different theme.
Another instance of this here: 36298657-hc Follow up ticket: 5445832-zd-woothemes
Another report here: 6527845-zd-a8c Suggested Classic Editor workaround