Tejas Bubane

Results 41 comments of Tejas Bubane

I added `standardrb` in this project and it reports a ton of offenses: ``` 1318 files inspected, 13047 offenses detected, 12974 offenses auto-correctable ``` Including things like `Prefer double-quoted strings`,...

@jarednorman I added standard, disabled a few rubocop rules and fixed some warnings. https://github.com/solidusio/solidus/pull/3951 For some reason I am getting a bunch of hound-ci warnings and CI failures.

@andrew The problem is there is no project page to redirect to on http://24pullrequests.com/ Which means when user clicks on that badge, some page like [this](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/d78dc965c920509d60cc95d4695658ec66bd9c86/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f62616467652f537570706f7274696e672d323450756c6c52657175657374732d7265642e7376673f7374796c653d666c6174) will open which will...

@fateh222 Are you using webpacker? This gem is for use with sprockets, not webpacker. For webpacker, use the npm package instead. Please see #187 for more details.

`refmt` is a part of [reason-tools](https://reasonml.github.io/guide/editor-tools/extra-goodies/) and the source is located here: https://github.com/reasonml/reason-tools/tree/master/src/refmt

Emacs `exec-path` is different from shell's `$PATH`. Can you eval `(shell-cmd "which ocamlmerlin")` in an elisp buffer and check if the correct path is being picked up by emacs? You...

Going by https://github.com/rubocop-hq/ruby-style-guide#namespace-definition I guess the separate `namespace` should be preferred.

Static analysis does not know if included module contains `setup` and `teardown` methods - so I am not sure if this cop can be implemented.