Tejas Bubane

Results 41 comments of Tejas Bubane

@Darhazer How does `RSpec/ForceEvalLet` sound for the name here? Since this is not restricted to just creating records, could be any method call.

Would it be better to add another `EnforcedStyle` - `be_status` - and maybe make it a default? This will allow users to use old style if they wish to.

@koic Looks like rubocop does not support multiple styles for `EnforcedStyle` yet - [CI error](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/rubocop/rubocop-rails/1156/workflows/57832158-cfa0-4300-8b5c-a6ffe13485ca/jobs/7461).

`rubocop` has [config_obsoletion class](https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop/blob/5784d45f6c17d15c7aa72cb6d727352819351bcb/lib/rubocop/config_obsoletion.rb) which allows removal of code. What is the process to retire cops here? Do we just disable the cop from `default.yml`?

This can be closed via https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop-performance/pull/199

We should rather [mark the cop as unsafe](https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop-performance/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+unsafe) instead of totally disabling it.

> For implementation, it is necessary to consider a applied migration files. @koic We can only check `schema.rb` file and find offenses right?

I think `format` is not supported keyword. See https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/TestCase/Behavior.html#method-i-get It is fair for rubocop to think of it as any other parameter. In fact, we have an explicit test-case for...

@schmijos This seems different from the original issue. It is mostly because of the parens and `merge`.

~~Waiting for #302 to be merged to fix the CI.~~ Fixed