Tejas Bubane

Results 28 issues of Tejas Bubane

Both these repos return 404 Closes https://github.com/eliotsykes/real-world-rails/issues/571


## Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Currently [rubocop detects rails version from Gemfile.lock](https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rubocop/blob/b8eaa55a45b6fab6ad43a3862b3f18ef5f8b7cc9/lib/rubocop/config.rb#L267). This should ideally be part of `rubocop-rails`. ## Describe the solution you'd...

Before submitting the PR make sure the following are checked: * [x] Wrote [good commit messages][1]. * [ ] Commit message starts with `[Fix #issue-number]` (if the related issue exists)....

Config to just check for usage of `File.path`, but doesn't care about arguments to `Rails.root.join` ----------------- Before submitting the PR make sure the following are checked: * [x] Wrote [good...

https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-docker/commit/57d1d448b2a3aaea930a552d10e9ba6bd6888df3 says that we cannot directly upgrade the database to later versions since the directory was created using `9.4`. Do we have any workarounds or plans for upgrading to latest...

Help Wanted

Thanks for this styleguide. I learnt a few good practices and sidekiq's features. Does rubocop extension corresponding this style-guide already exist somewhere? I could not find any mentioned in this...

Using tern-autocomplete on dot leaves emacs in an unresponsive state forever. I have to kill emacs from command line. Scenario: * Using latest emacs `25.2` from here: https://emacsformacosx.com/ * OSX...

It would be great if the CLI gave a summary when it is run over multiple data files. Currently it just prints one line (`` valid) for each file. Something...
