Tebjan Halm

Results 99 issues of Tebjan Halm

Since the Stride game engine (fka Xenko) offers very high quality shaders, it would be great to have an example for this game engine, including material import. There are some...

## Description * Adds recommendation for GitExtensions * More direct warning of downloading the zip * Adds lfs info to" build without visual studio" * Adds info of failing test...

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**Release Type**: Official Release/GitHub (please choose appropriate option) Release **Version**: Version number and/or git branch **Describe the bug** The packages that can be .NET Standard should be so. This...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Generate geometry on the GPU. **Describe the solution you'd like** Allow `DrawAuto` and `DrawIndirect` using an `ArgumentBuffer` as draw call...


# PR Details Adds a `DrawAuto` flag and `ArgumentBufferBinding` to `MeshDraw`. ## Description The new arguments will be read by the `MeshRenderFeature` to select the right draw call method. ##...


**Describe the bug** The `SV_SampleIndex` semantic is only allowed as input to the pixel shader stage. If used, it gets created as vertex shader input and output which leads to...


Copied from the Discussion on Discord: The possible path forward: Stride 4.0.x - Recommend .NET 4.7.2 for iOS and Android development (should be working now with recent fixes) - iOS...


**Describe the bug** Fog has blending issues when MSAA is enabled. The reason might be that the depth buffer is a multi-sample texture. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior:...


# PR Details Adds `TypeName` generic parameter to SDSL to instantiate shaders with type parameters. ## Description This will allow writing shaders like in a high-level programming language with generic...