Sven Aas
Sven Aas
Hi Rick, I updated the sanitize_filename method to replace Kernel#returning with Object#tap. I was getting way to many deprecation warnings after updating an app from Rails 2.3.8 to 2.3.12. Best...
After several years of happy operation our Cobweb-dependent crawler ran into a page at where the `` contains this `` tag: ``` ``` Our log file was reporting >...
Fixes #4371 ## Changes proposed in this pull request: - Adds resendInvite() to the API - Adds Resend Invite button to organization edit page ## security considerations None. Allows organization...
The published files table at `/sites/[id]/published/[branch]`) is missing a `th` or ARIA attribute property marking the header, which can prevent screen readers from semantically associating cells with the appropriate header....
The Sites page (`/sites`) skips from `h1` to `h4` and the Settings page (`/settings`) skips from `h1` to `h3`, which goes against best practices. ## Notes - Reported in February...
Improve the Admin Users API with the hope of preventing an inconsistent failure. ## Notes The Admin Users API test is inconsistently and infrequently failing in Concourse with ``` 1)...
There is insufficient visual contrast in some of our important indicators (build states, site types, etc. — generally the white text on colored background elements) which could be corrected by...
When navigating by keyboard (on Chrome/Mac), on the `/sites` page in particular something prevents the visual indication from appearing when a site name link (e.g. "18f/") has focus. I haven't...
The Filter component (Svelecte) — displayed at the top of many admin interface screens — could use some accessibility improvement. Specifically, there are no form field labels for the text...
- [ ] The page should be in auto-refresh status when it loads, without requiring the user to take action. - [ ] The auto/refresh control should be removed as...