
Results 280 issues of streetwriters[bot]

The MacOS application occasionally freezes while typing. This happens more often in larger files, especially those containing images. **Device information:** App version: 2.1.6-deb04d68-web OS: Windows 10 64-bit Browser: Chrome 104.0.5112.101...

The app update said ISO 8601 is now being used for the new /date, /time, and /now features, which I totally got excited about. However, from what I'm seeing, today's...

Error: Unknown content type: "tiny". Please report this error at [email protected]. at getContentFromData (address at at ?anon_0_ (address at at next (native) at asyncGeneratorStep (address at at...

Please let us know what happened. What steps we can take to reproduce the issue here. _______________________________ Stacktrace: TypeError: Cannot convert null value to object at Tool (address at

Hello. The login sessions appear to be having an issue. Firefox automatically logs me out of the current session after each sign-in. Even if I sign in in one tab...

When Notesnook is not on maximum size to fit the screen or full-screen mode, row properties and insert row below options for table do not appear. Options for columns are...

Unit: Editor
Platform: Web
Platform: Desktop
Status: Investigating

As title sugest you need to fully close the program to show sync content. Hit sync many times didn't work the content did not refresh even it shows status that...

facing this error- {"errors":["Invalid token."]} **Device information:** App version: 2.6.15-aa730b5-web OS: Windows 10 64-bit Browser: Chrome Pro: false

Love what you are doing with the app. Would love to see if there was a native diagraming tool or even an integration for **Device information:** App version: 2.6.15-aa730b5-desktop...

There is no way to recover old note titles, this can mean not knowing which note is which - especially when syncing between devices. Titles are not included in note...